Monday 21 July 2014

A season of sudden losses

I lost a favourite cousin, and a boss; my colleagues and church friends lost their mothers; my pastor loses his friend; my friend loses his job. Positions that seem so secure, tumble down overnight. Seemingly simple decisions can result in serious consequences; we have only seconds to change our minds. God's prompting comes and goes in a flash, and obedience must be immediate. Ignoring it results in pain, and a long way round to recovery to our previous, blessed state. In this season, going with the flow is not wise. My prayer is that I can respond quickly, and correctly, in this season of sudden change. And not be afraid to stand against the tide.

Sunday 18 December 2011


Mary... six years with us... and now this...  

All because of a missing M$200...

My heart says She is innocent.

My head says There is no way she is. The one straight line leads to her.


I was heartbroken for 10 days. 10 days of feeling extremely tired. Could hardly eat a thing.

In many ways, Mary stepped into the role that my mother left when she died. Mary loved being with us, the house was filled with her love. The house was clean, orderly; she cooked, washed and ironed for us. She went to the market, ensured our physical needs were met. She was our nurturer.

In turn, she had the master bedroom (my brother & I were very comfortable in our own rooms & felt no need to change), was free to put whatever she wanted into it; It had multiple handphones, bundles of clothes, shoes, purses. She was a hoarder, like my mother. Every few months, she sent a box of clothes and other stuff home. Even as she worked here, she also nurtured her family.

But, there was a subtle change in her behaviour. She became more & more acquisitive. She hoarded more and more things. She wanted everything. Sometimes she just assumed certain things were hers. It was like the spirit of greed had taken hold of her.

And then, one fateful day, 5 Dec, I left my ringgit on my bedside table after counting it -- something I never do is to leave my purse exposed. But I did it that day, feeling the spirit of God leading me to do so and I also had a sense of complacency that it would be fine. Little did I know...

In Johor Bahru, at the end of the shopping day where I paid by credit cards, I decided to pay by cash. I was stunned there was so little ringgit left. After examining all the possibilities, there could be only one conclusion.

During a practical ministry session yesterday, we were to discern by the Spirit of God the fiery darts that were lodged in us. My partner saw a “box” around my head, and a metal shaft through my heart. By faith, she removed both. I went to a Christmas party, feeling like a zombie. There was barely any energy.

This morning, my energy returned. My wound healed. At breakfast, Mary announced that she would resign. The cutting off of the tie between us restored my energy, I believe.

In two days, she goes. She was a part of our lives for six years. We will miss her, buzzing around, doing the housework. She was a good worker. We will miss her love & care for us...All because of a missing M$200, our lives change.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Receiving healing

Thinking over what I've written yesterday, I'm reminded of an incident years ago, when as a young Christian, it was prophesied that I had the gift of healing.

I can still remember the day when another person, who'd also had the reputation for having the gift of healing, wasn't too comfortable with having some "competition." Fixing her eyes on me, she demanded that I pray for  her ankle, which she'd sprained sometime before. Not knowing any better, and thinking it's probably no harm to pray, I prayed something simple. Nothing happened, of course.

God doesn't respond to prideful, demanding people who try to make His servants, theirs. 

Subsequently, I've prayed occasionally for others -- backs have healed, infected ears have healed. 

I just let God do what He wants to do, whenever. He is my Prince of Peace. 

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Sealed with gratitude

After having lived for more than half a century, I guess I can draw some conclusions from my observations of life and people.

What I have noticed is that grateful people are more blessed than those who have an attitude of entitlement. Grateful people, I've noticed, receive more from the Lord; they are happier, healthier, wealthier, and more successful than those who don't seem to think they should thank anyone for anything. Grateful people have a lot more friends. When they pursue God, they receive blessing upon blessing; breakthrough upon breakthrough.

Every blessing they receive, they keep. What is their secret?

It's an attitude of gratitude -- to God, who blesses them, and to the person whom God uses to bless them. Gratitude acts as a spiritual seal that keeps the blessing intact.

Those with an attitude of entitlement use people for what they can induce out of them. They can be charming, persuasive, entertaining, professing friendship. Once their goal is achieved, they disappear.

But they struggle in life. They may work hard, but their sweat and toil produce weeds. They receive the promise of blessings, but the promises disappear like snowflakes in the sun. Money comes -- and goes just as quickly. They change friends as quickly as they change clothes. They demand "more, more, more" -- for what you give is never enough, and it feels like you're pouring your strength into a black hole. Nothing comes back, and you feel weak, drained and used.

But, God is good. He has made provision in His word. He has said, in Matthew 10:13-14, that if you give your blessing of peace, and the people are unworthy, let your peace return to you. In other words, you can call back your blessing. Every spiritual blessing you've blessed another with in prayer -- including peace, rest, love, joy, provision -- and which is not received with gratitude, you can call back.

Anyone who asks you for prayer is actually asking for your strength. When you give your strength, and you're taken for granted, you may feel empty and used. In fact, soft-hearted and compassionate intercessors are often victimised this way. "You're an intercessor right? so it's your duty to intercede for me! Why should I thank you? You're only doing your job!" Subtly, the person who demands prayer takes the place of God, who is the sole authority to decide whom should be prayed for by you. After all, He knows who the intercessors are, and He is the one who distributes the prayer assignments.

If you have been used by those with an attitude of entitlement, do Matthew 10. Call back your blessings. Do it. And your strength will return to you; your empty soul will be full again, to overflowing. Your joy will return. Your courage, dignity and self-respect will come back. Blessing upon blessing! Even as you've given, you'll receive and more beside!

God is good. He knows that His workers are like guileless sheep, and will be used and abused by others, whether knowingly or unknowingly. He has made provision in His word to ensure we remain full, even to overflowing, continuing to do His work with joy.

God is really, really good.

Thursday 10 November 2011

How well do you know Me?

Here's a personal story shared by Judy Franklin, staff of Bethel Church, Redding, California.

One day, the Lord spoke to me. He simply said, "Ronald Reagan" (our president at the time). And that's all He said. I waited but He said nothing else.

So I said, "Yes, he's our president."

Then God said, "You can read about him every day."

"Yes, I can read about him in magazines and books," I replied.

He said, "You can hear about him every day."

Well of course, I thought, I could hear about him on the television, radio, or even in conversations with people who are discussing him or what he's doing.

He went on, "And you are affected by what he does."

"Oh yes, he signs bills and laws that do affect my life."

Then He asked, "How well do you know him?"

Wow! I was brought up short. I didn't know Ronald Reagan at all. I only knew about him.

The Lord said, "You can read about Me every day."

I responded, "Yes, in the Bible and different books."

He said, "You can hear about Me every day."

And I said, "Yes, on the television, radio, and at church."

Then the Lord said, "You are affected by what I do."

"Oh yes." I knew where this was going.

Finally, the Lord asked, "How well do you know Me?"

John 15:15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

Sunday 6 November 2011

The vision

A young man came. "I have a vision," he said. He spoke in other tongues. The vision spread, others spoke in tongues. Drunk with power, their plans & programmes, they fought for pre-eminence. Instead of visions, delusions. The vision faded. The young men went the way of the world.

10 more years. Another young man came. "I have a vision," he said. He spoke in other tongues; dreamt dreams, saw visions, healed the sick. Drunk with power, he fought for pre-eminence & sought to be served. Instead of visions, delusions. The vision faded. He went the way of the world. Meanwhile, the older men waited.

10 more years. Yet another young man comes. "I have a vision," he said. "Teach me."

Maybe. Maybe this time...the vision just might come to pass.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Singapore's General Elections 2011

Today, I was looking for a guide for Christians who wanted to pray for our General Elections, which will occur next Saturday, 7 May. To my surprise, I didn't find any. 

With the help of a UK website, I came up with some prompters.  Here goes:

1.     Pray that all the political parties consider how Singapore can become a fairer and more compassionate society.
2.     Pray for producers and editors of the various media -- radio, TV, the Internet as well as newspapers -- to be discerning and fair; that those involved in reporting during this election campaign communicate in unbiased and accurate ways; that blogs and other internet communications will be used responsibly.
3.     Pray that candidates put their message across with clarity and integrity, and that the issues raised will be those that are on God’s heart.
4.     Pray for Christian believers in positions of authority within the political parties to be strong in the Lord and guided by His goodness and wisdom.
5.     Pray that Christian candidates will be bold and eloquent in how they respond to issues and questions that have important moral and ethical implications.
6.     Ask God to restrain those who hold extreme or offensive views.
7.     Remember the candidates standing in your constituency, asking God to bless and guide them.
8.     Ask God to inspire local churches and individual Christians to pray for party leaders and other candidates.
9.     Ask God to guide Singaporeans to vote only for those who represent His heart.
10.  Pray that people will come out and use their vote, that only God’s choice will be elected, for peace and for righteousness to prevail in our country.